Noise Cancellation
Automatic Noise Cancellation is for elimination of noise from the audio. The police get hold of some disputed audio. It is usually noisy. Many time it may be impossible to process it further for authenticity or for speaker verification. A tool for noise cancellation is required to be there with forensic speech labs. The system options: The system has facility to measure SNR (Signal to Noise Ratio) for the audio. The system provides a facility to measure SNR and then can track the noise profile on its own automatically. The multiband spectral subtraction method is used to cancel the noise from audio. It provides facility of filters such as LPF, HPF, BPF and BRF.
salient features:
ANC3000 is automatic noise cancellation system useful to obtain clean audio for further processing.
It has a facility to measure SNR.
It can track the noise profile automatically.
It uses multiband spectral subtraction method for cancellation of noise.
There is a facility for all types of basic audio processing like record, play, export, split stereo channels, zoomin, zoomout, audio processing like normalize, show clipping with opening and closing of windows and changing their layout etc.
All above features are supported for mono as well as stereo files of any formats and extensions.
The clean file is displayed and saved.
Offers facility for user defined low pass, high pass, band pass and band reject filters, 50Hz noise removal, Broad band filter, Inverse filter and tone suppressor filter.
Shifting the Pitch of audio
Speech to Text for English language with facility to save text as word file and search for words in text.
Speech Analysis with facility for clipping restore, dynamic range control reverberation time and pure speech signal duration.
Word comparison with facility for comparing histograms of the signals, histograms of the pitch and vowel scatter plots.
Speech Enhancement with a facility to enhance spoken segments along with reduction of noise.