Products Under Development

Document Analysis And Verification
It contains signature verification too.
It has facility to measure small and capital alphabets size in question document, no. Of connected letters, slant of the letters, writer verification, indivisual word verification.

Image analysis and image authentication
Image authentication is the technology of verifying image origin, integrity and authenticity.
It has all types of filters for image processing, visual inspection facility, jpeg double compression detection using different methods, image manipulation detection using methods such as ela, DCT, Fourier, jpeg ghost, histogram methods.

Layered Voice Analysis
It does training on the fly. Detects ring and music and silence parts and isolates those.
Can detect emotions like happy, angry, sad, fear, surprize, stress, aggression etc.
Can detect percent of each emotion and can draw emotion diamond based on percent of emotions detected.
Generates a csv file containing emotion for each 5 sec of audio and emotion statistics

Video analysis and video authentication
It has all facilities of image analysis and image authentication.
It has facility for video tracking and video processing to capture required frames.
Video frames can be analyzed further for any manipulation and tampering and finding the evidence for any crime.